Websites That Make Money

Websites Can Make Money Online

There is a world of difference between having a website and having a site that makes money.

Sad fact, but 99% of websites never earn a cent, brass rassoo, nothing, zip, nadda, ziltch…… yours doesn’t have to be the same…..

There are only a few essentials required to make a website work properly;

  1. Well structured content and navigation
  2. Traffic
  3. Conversion

Boiled down to these basics it sounds easy to make a profit, but if you miss one ingredient then you are …. doomed.

Think of it this way….. your site needs to jump through a series of hoops in order to make a sale, or cultivate an enquiry, or generate a phone call….. the problem is that each of these hoops has the potential to totally kill your website and stop it in its tracks.

First off… you need a site that search engines like and that performs fast and is slick in its content delivery.

This includes original content that is valuable and useful to your visitors.

Secondly you need traffic and for most web designers that means search engine traffic.

Search engine traffic equates in the main to Google (being the most popular search engine by a country mile)… so to attract traffic, you need to abide by their requirements and needs to get that traffic.

Last but by no means least, websites need to convert visitors into paying customers.

Conversion requires simplicity, focus and that you meet the needs of your potential customer.

If you look at the conversion process of successful websites like Amazon, you’ll see that they make the purchase process as simple as possible. It’s an important part of their success.

Amazon use accounts to make login and purchases a one click process.

For smaller websites, selling to your visitors is inevitably a longer process because you need to ask for more information that a repeat purchase site does. This process needs to be as slick and simple as possible, ask Deeho Web Traffic Conversion Specialists how to streamline your conversion process.

You need personal details, delivery details and payment details. The less information you ask for, the less cart abandonment you will have. Using popular payment methods like PayPal will increase your sales rate because people already have an account, so the payment process becomes a one click trusted process.

Conversion is the key to building successful websites and professional websites have proven conversion metrics built in.

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